Equiminions Inc

Goal Based Planning

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What does your ideal future look like? What do you want to achieve for yourself and your loved ones? Retiring on your terms. Funding the education of your children and grandchildren. Leaving a legacy. Everyone’s situation is different, and so are the paths they take. What we do is help you take intentional steps toward the future you envision. And help you make adjustments if circumstances change.

When it comes to financial planning, setting goals is the first step before walking down the path. Goal-based planning is perhaps the foremost important pillar of our financial background since it helps us CLASSIFY AND ACHIEVE what’s MOST IMPORTANT to us.

Your goals will influence every financial decision from the asset class to investment, tenure of investment, etc but a defined goal plan will keep you on track through unexpected ups, downs, and twists, and can do wonders for your financial health.

Money is simply an enabler. Having tons of money and being the richest man in the graveyard is useless. Money should help you achieve your life goals.

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What is my wealth for?”

It’s a big one, and for most people, there’s undoubtedly more than one answer. But thinking about it honestly can help you cut through the noise and get to what matters most to you. Using a disciplined, step-by-step process, we help you identify and articulate your priorities, your passions, and your concerns.

Managing your finances is about more than managing your investments

At EquiMinions, we aim to understand your financial goals and we’ll work with you to create a plan that is truly aligned with your desired outcomes, and perhaps even reveal some opportunities you may not have known existed.

But why are we even talking about Goals?
Goals ignite purpose, fuel progress, and pave the path to financial freedom.

Your goals could be anything:

  • Buying a House
  • Buying a Car
  • Children’s Education
  • Children’s Marriage
  • Retirement Planning
  • Aiming for Early Retirement
  • Dream Vacation/ International Holiday
  • Purchasing other high-value items
  • Emergency Fund
  • Modifying your house
  • Starting a business
  • Early Retirement
  • Other

Hey! Got so many goals and can’t figure out how to plan for all? Frek not!

None of us want to run out of money by living too long or dying too soon!
We will review your existing financial situation and reach a realistic assessment of your likely needs, also known as data gathering. This helps us understand any gap that exists between where you are and where you want to be. We will also factor in multiple market scenarios that could affect the likelihood of your success.

Once we along with you tease out all the more tangible underlying goals, it becomes much easier to then help you prioritize which of them are: Essential needs
Which are important wants, and
Which are aspirational wishes.

Our priority is to help you ensure you are taking intentional steps toward the future you envision.
No matter what you want to achieve, our focus starts and ends with you.

Do I have enough?
Establishing the resources available—now and in the future—to achieve the goals you have for yourself or your family is critical. If there is not enough, we will help you think through any adjustments that can help you get back on track. If there is just enough, we will collaborate on the most efficient steps to take to remain on track. And if there is more than enough, there may be more goals or opportunities to explore.
We are ready to help you build a strategy that identifies your goals and helps you work toward addressing your concerns. With regular check-ins, we can help keep you on track and aligned with your strategy. Do I have enough?


🎯 Clarity: You’ll define your aspirations with precision.
🔍 Focus: You’ll channel your energy towards what truly matters.
🚀 Motivation: You’ll stay inspired as you pursue tangible objectives.
💰 Disciplined Investing: You’ll cultivate disciplined financial habits
📈 Progress Tracking: You’ll measure success, adjust course.
🏆 Achievement: You’ll reach milestones, fulfill dreams.
☮️ Peace of Mind: You’ll gain confidence, and secure your financial future.


STEP 1: Initial Consultation: We’ll schedule a meeting to understand your financial goals and needs.

STEP 2: Goal Setting: We’ll define clear, specific, and achievable financial objectives together.

STEP 3: Financial Assessment: We’ll analyze your current financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

STEP 4: Customized Strategy: We’ll develop a personalized plan tailored to your unique circumstances and aspirations.

STEP 5: Implementation: We’ll put the plan into action, making any necessary adjustments along the way.

STEP 6: Ongoing Monitoring: We’ll regularly review your progress and make modifications as needed to stay on track.

STEP 7: Celebrating Milestones: We’ll acknowledge achievements and set new goals to keep moving forward.

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